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Does this data suprise you?
January 20, 2023 at 5:00 AM

Does the data surprise you?

Only 6 out of all Fortune 500 companies have Black CEOs.

Fortune reported that 6.6% of all Fortune 500 companies have women as their CEOs.

McKinsey (2023) research reported that women with disabilities often have their competence challenged and undermined.

Today, 83% of millennials are more actively engaged when they believe their company fosters an inclusive culture – and in 10 years millennials will comprise nearly 75% of the workforce.

Diverse Companies Have 2.5 Times Higher Cash Flow Per Employee.

According to Gartner's research, only 36% of DEI leaders feel their organizations have been effective in building a diverse workforce. Yikes!

Let's get focused on the 4 key facets of inclusion: Awareness, Authenticity, Empathy, and Accountability.

Let's chat about how to build inclusive workforce practices!

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